I Review Everything: Day 232 – That Guy I Walked Past

It looked difficult to walk like that. His pants were so low I could visibly see his legs being inhibited by them.

His shirt made up for it I guess, it was long enough to cover everything necessary, I actually think he may have been wearing multiple shirts. I couldn’t completely tell, but it looked like his over shirt was far smaller than the others. I didn’t recognise the imagery, but I guess he couldn’t find a longer shirt with that plastered on, so he needed the undershirt to be longer.

I could barely see his face underneath all the hair. Not that matters really. Along as he could see.

This guy was an example of how differently we all like to represent ourselves to the world. While he was dressed in a fashion I never would myself, that was his right. There was nothing wrong with the way he was dressed. Sure to many people he may have looked untidy, and it would be easy to assume what kind of person he was.

But assuming is just that. I have no idea what the guy was actually like. That was just how he wanted to represent himself.


I Review Everything: Day 190 – Fixing My Desk

About a week after I built my desk, I broke it. Built is kind of incorrect anyway, bought is the truth. I have a tendency to rest my feet on the support beam, which prematurely snapped from the pressure. I then spent the rest of the year with a broken beam, and an insanely wobbly desk. Today that changed.

Max decided he wanted to fix it. I mean it was partly spurred on by my own annoyance of it’so wobbling, but he was the one who actually did it. I helped, when I could, which means I didn’the help much. He did basically all the work, while I just held some wood up.

The entire process caused me to marvel at humans a little, as I thought about how great of a grip we have over manipulating our environment from our needs. It’seems amazing to think that anyone can do it as well, it’s not really restricted. As long as you have the money for tools, the patience for failure, and the desire to learn, you can build and fix things. Which is cool. It’s cool that we figured that out. It’s pretty amazing really.

The wobbles have now left my desk, and I have a renewed respect for human beings.


I Review Everything: Day 172 – Auckland Temperatue

It’s much warmer up here. It’s nice I guess. Apparently it’s considered cold. To me it’s warm. Temperature relativity is an interesting concept to think about. Especially how much it affects people.

Quite often I get sick from temperature changes. In fact I’m expecting it when I return. It would be interesting to fimd out why. 

I give this different temperature a six out of ten. It really isn’t too much different, and the prospect of perhaps becoming sick is quite disheartening.


I Review Everything: Day 171 – Flight Delay

Our flight has been delayed. I’m not that surprised, the weather is always bad in New Zealand, domestic flights are always getting cancelled. Just like ours. Right now.

I guess it’s not that much of an issue. If there’s anything I do have it’s time. I have started playing through Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward again. The final of the series finally came out, and I won’t be able to play it until next week since I have it on PC. But I have Virtue on Vita.

All the free time I now have will make playing through the game easy, and I look forward to it. The game is fantastic; the perfect blend of visual novel and puzzle game. The story is absolutely brilliant as well. It’s amazing how firm in my mind it still is. Just writing this right now is making me excited to play.

Waiting for longer does suck. But being able to play a fantastic game while I wait makes it bearable. Frankly not much different to what I would be doing once I arrived anyway.


I Review Everything: Day 169 – Shaving

The process had almost disappeared from my mind. I brought out my equipment, forcing the memories back into view. I created a pool of warm water, letting the blades loosen. I lathered my face with cream, slightly hitting my shirt, just like old times. I stared into my dark eyes, convincing myself that I could do it. I was afraid. I pulled by razor from the pool, edging it closer to my neck. I pulled upon my skin, stretching the hairs out, freeing them for one last time. I placed the blades at the edge of my beard, and I pulled upwards. I could feel the hairs being torn from their home, my skin reddening from the sensation. It had begun. It was too late to go back. I had begun shaving, and I could not stop until the job was done.

I have a test for a job today, and I figured shaving would make me look far more presentable, even if it does make me appear twelve. I usually only trim my facial hair, shaving had become a distant memory. I had almost forgotten how to do it, but it all came back as I performed the task. The concept of memory is such an interesting prospect. I like to think of memory as a force continuously in motion, leaving certain memories on a dormant path. When I want to access those memories, it finds its way back, unlocking what I thought was gone. Of course some memories lie on the dormant path too long and die off, but that’s not what happened today. I found the memory, and got through the process smoothly.

Everything went well. My skin did not irritate too much. I barely cut through any skin. I got rid of the hairs. I now look twelve again, but I also look far more presentable. This may only be a test for the job, but I know I should treat it as though it was an interview. You never know what they are paying attention to.


I Review Everything: Day 161 – Couches at the Theatre

It’s not often we go to a different movie theatre. Reading cinema works because it’s cheap. Far cheaper than the alternatives.

Melissa had free tickets to lighthouse tonight, and we finally got around to seeing Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Fantastic movie by the way, but that’s not the point of this review. The point is the couches. Because that is the big seeling point for lighthouse. The couches. You sit on couches. No broken lining, no floppy seats, literal couches instead.

Couches for two I should probably add. Melissa and I were able to “cuddle” exactly how she wanted. I don’t usually like “cuddling,” nor do I really like to leave home at all. But Melissa really wanted to. So I do it.

Sometimes I worry that i’m not enough for her since I don’t really like to do things. I like playing games in my room, on my own.

She puts up with it though. So I have to put up with the things she wants. I’m glad Lighthouse had those couches. I think it made date night better for Melissa, and that’s the most important thing tonight.


I Review Everything: Day 160 – Oculus Shipping

I keep rechecking the tracking to see if it’s any closer. It’s moving, but not at the rate I want. Supposedly it takes three days to arrive from Hong Kong. Three days has never felt like such a long time.

Why is it that the more I want something, the longer the wait feels? I guess that’s just basic human desire perpetuating its own reality, warping our sense of the physical reality.

I just need something to think about while I’m waiting. Reality is good. There’s a lot to think about.


I Review Everything: Day 150 – Flat Escalator

I’m not a fan of escalators. I feel they are a waste. Not only of human effort, but also space, energy, and thought. What’s worse is when they’re flat.

Escalators are the design of a lazy society. Going up and down seems to be a most ridiculous task to some, relying on the means of mechanical engineering to help them.

For all the horrible things human do to themselves, not moving in place of moving has to be one of the worst. In an environment where you must move to get from one place to another, the invention of something that does it for you confuses me. Have we become that lazy? Have we forgotten what it is to be human? What it is to move freely, to submit our bodies to our control?

In all fairness that may be what I dislike about escalators the most. I struggle to see how anyone could be content when not in control of their body, of their movement. I too do not enjoy vehicles, likely for a similar reason. It is actually interesting to think about this, as I see that most of my hate comes from my own fears. I do fear that one day I will not be able to control my body. And when that day comes my mind will become lost. I will no longer be able to enact my will. I will confined, restricted, stuck. That really scares me.

For now I will continue to walk up escalators. I will continue to choose the stairs. I attempt to enjoy every moment of it. In fear that one day it will be gone.
