I Review Everything: Day 204 – Moving the Couch

Playing games while sitting on the couch is far superior to my computer chair. I have more room, I can sit however I want, and it is far more comfortable. It’s far away though. Too far in fact. I can’t concentrate on the game enough when it is so far away. So I move the couch forward.

It’s easy, it’s a pretty light couch. There is almost no hassle in doing it at all.

It’s a good thing.


I Review Everything: Day 193 – New Shoes

After a few months of vigorous walking, my shoes finally kicked it. Well I say vigorous, only because I have no idea how they became that destroyed. It’s like I have been rubbing them across nails for the past few weeks. There were weird streaks covering the soles, and the holes had become gaping masses of concrete attracting annoyances. My feet were becoming sore every time I walked. My socks were saturating in the rain. It was time for new shoes.

I returned to The Warehouse, my favourite place to buy things I care little about. I knew what I wanted; I usually do. The last time I went there I managed to purchase two pairs of shoes for only $6.50. I wasn’t expecting to receive the same great deal, but I knew I would get something along those lines. That’s what The Warehouse is for. Everyday products at low prices.

I found the exact same pair of shoes for $4.50. A great deal. Fantastic really. The shoes lasted a while. I mean yeah, they are fairly poor, but they last longer than you’d expect for something of that nature.

After my purchase I ripped of my old shoes, threw them away, and walked off with fresj soles covering my feet. It was nice. I no longer had the distraction of broken shoes rustling my feet, and tearing through my socks. My feet were again situated straight in nature; walking became normal again.

My new shoes are adequate. I’m not going to say they are amazing. I’m not going to even say they are great. They are adequate. That’s it. But isn’t that still good? When something only needs to be adequate why go further? Why not spend those resources on what really matters. Of course that is subjective. And my subjective opinion is that shoes are not that important.


I Review Everything: Day 190 – Fixing My Desk

About a week after I built my desk, I broke it. Built is kind of incorrect anyway, bought is the truth. I have a tendency to rest my feet on the support beam, which prematurely snapped from the pressure. I then spent the rest of the year with a broken beam, and an insanely wobbly desk. Today that changed.

Max decided he wanted to fix it. I mean it was partly spurred on by my own annoyance of it’so wobbling, but he was the one who actually did it. I helped, when I could, which means I didn’the help much. He did basically all the work, while I just held some wood up.

The entire process caused me to marvel at humans a little, as I thought about how great of a grip we have over manipulating our environment from our needs. It’seems amazing to think that anyone can do it as well, it’s not really restricted. As long as you have the money for tools, the patience for failure, and the desire to learn, you can build and fix things. Which is cool. It’s cool that we figured that out. It’s pretty amazing really.

The wobbles have now left my desk, and I have a renewed respect for human beings.


I Review Everything: Day 188 – Controlling a Gym

It feels good. On my way home from a meeting I passed a weak gym. All that was guarding it was a 454cp Golbat. With some time to spare I pulled out my cp1257 Flareon, and knocked the Golbat out in two hits.

I then placed my 1012cp Golduck in, and basked in my own glory. It’s not the first gym I have taken, but it still feels good. The best part is that it has been over two hours and still no one has taken it from me. Unfortunately no other Team Mystic members have added theirs, so it likely won’t be long until it is taken from me.

It is fantastic being able to take on gyms like this. It helps with the immersion of really being a Pokemon trainer.


I Review Everything: Day 187 – Job Interview

The room was very large for only three people. I took a seat, and they sat across from me. The room was sterile, ordered, not a spec was out of place. The motivational posters were lined up perfectly. The plants were symmetrical. The room was almost empty.

The questions they asked were pretty typical. I answered best I could. I tried to show that I think before I speak, even though I basically prepared my answers earlier. I smiled, but not too much of course. And I asked them my own questions, just to show my interest in the company.

It actually all went better than I had expected, but that doesn’t mean I’m confident. A few of the answers I had to improvise were a bit wonky, lacking decent articulation. I tried to read them and tell if I was doing okay, but they were too vague – obviously well rehearsed in interviews.

Now I wait. All four steps are done. I have made it this far, all I can do now is hope I get the position. Hope being the imperative word.


I Review Everything: Day 186 – 1hp Glitch

Today I levelled up a local gym. I placed my Flareon in, and was rewarded with gym leadership. All was well.

Four hours later I noticed someone from yellow had taken the gym, and placed a weak ass Tentacruel in defense. So I went back to the gym, prepared to destroy their Tentacruel with my Jolteon. They didn’t stand a chance. I knew it. My Jolteon knew it. I’m sure their Tentacruel even knew it. But apparently, Niantic didn’t.

I took the Tentacruel down pretty quickly. My Jolteon was just too much for it. I took it all the way down to 1hp. Which it stayed at. Indefinitely. It’s health would just not go down. I kept trying, and the same thing occurred, over and over. I eventually became sick of trying, noticing a lure relatively close by. I made my way over there, in the hopes of catching more Pokemon.

After a few minutes of solid catching, I had another look at the gym. I was appalled to find the gym had been leveled up twice, with more yellow scum holding it down. So I went back up. I was prepared to fight the gym. To take it back for Blue. Until I noticed them. There was a car, sitting on the side of the road with its lights on. Two girls were sitting in it with their phones out. I knew it was them, and I knew that I had little chance of taking it down. So I left. But I will go back. Tonight, when they’re probably sleeping, I will destroy their Pokemon, and take the gym back for myself. All I hope is that the goddamn 1hp glitch has worn off by then.


I Review Everything: Day 185 – The Line

At my friend’s birthday dinner tonight, my patience was tested. There were many, many people there. And they were all loud. Every. Single. One.

Constant yelling, badgering, and all-around sucking was going on as they made their way through the all-you-can-eat line. Luckily I had already eaten, and wasn’t all to interested in getting more. But it was still horrendously annoying. I couldn’t hear any of my friends above the senseless yelling, it was basically pointless to talk.

We left not long after they all arrived, but to no ease. There were so many of them in the food line that they were actually blocking the way out. This reminds me of why I don’t like eating out.


I Review Everything: Day 183 – Pokestops

There were 21 pokestops on my way home. If I detour a little bit, I could raise that to 25. If I work more often, I can get heaps of free drops. I would never run out of pokeballs. I would always have an egg to hatch. But maybe, instead, if I just repeatedly walk back-and-forth from work, I can grow my drop rate exponentially. I would level up so fast. It would be fantastic.

Don’t even mention the pokemon. I’m sure I would find so many more. It would be a fantastic way to find new ones as well.

There’s so many possibilities.


I Review Everything: Day 175 – Car Trips

Going anywhere in Auckland takes a long time. Every trip reminds me of driving to another city when I was young. It just takes so long to get anywhere.

The upside is my unfamiliarity of my surroundings. I get to look at new sights with every trip, inciting new and exciting thoughts. Car rides have always been a place for thinking, and new surroundings offer new things to think about.

Certain styles of houses offer insight into the lives of others. Arrangement of shopping centers get me thinking about the ways people live in the area. Road placements make me think about how the city used to be, and where it’s going. 

It also makes me wonder how dumb people were to organise a city so poorly. It is absolutely ridiculous how Auckland is arranged, with the real reason it takes so long to get around is simply because the road system sucks so much. The public transportation isn’t a big help either, as it misses large chunks of the city, and falls victim to the same traffic woes as cars do.

If there’s anything I like about being in a car, it’s the freedom to think. Fresh surroundings bring more thoughts to the table as well, which is always an exciting prospect. The real issue comes from how poorly built Auckland is. It’s a bit of a downer to think about.


I Review Everything: Day 174 – Maze

It started with a flashing green light. Then I opened the door, and I entered what would be a fairly lacklustre, but enjoyable experience.

The maze was a series of rooms that were supposed to “stimulate” our senses. There were a lot of mirrors, unorthadox noises, and things to fall over. It wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever done. Most of the rooms felt fairly low budget, and proved no real challenge or even excitement. I was hoping for puzzles, I was hoping that each room would provide a challenge that we would have to overcome. I guess we did, such as the room of darkness, or the room of mirrors. But it wasn’t hard at all. We basically just walked through. I mean yeah it’s for kids, but kids need to be taught how to think don’t they?

The best part was near the end, in a pit full of water noodles. Under the red lighting they kind of looked like intestines which was cool, and they were fun to play around in I guess.

It was a decent experience, it was definitely something to do.
