I Review Everything: Day 154 – I Don’t Know What to Write About

My life is fairly boring. I mean it’s fine, there just isn’t much to write about. I’m questioning why I even do this blog sometimes.

Maybe I’m just not seeing the interesting parts of my life for what they are. Should I be looking harder? Should I be trying to make my life more interesting?

I don’t know. I am content for now. I’m just struggling to figure out what I should write about.

This is good enough though, right?


I Review Everything: Day 31 – First Month of Reviews

One month down. One month of writing meaningless reviews. Writing just for practise. Just to write. Thirty days worth. One whole month. I know that this will seem dumb a few months down the line, but one month of daily blogs is a success to me. Unfortunately I have fallen behind a few times, but still nonetheless I have written a blog for each day. One blog, for every day of the year so far.

As far as the purpose of my blog goes, it’s still quite hard to figure out whether it is actually working. What I wanted was to improve my writing. To create a portfolio of work that I can one day use. I wanted to practice, as much as possible; because I know that’s how you get better. Yet, reading over a few of my blogs hasn’t shown me any progress in that manner. From my perspective, it seems that so far my writing is about the same. I still see promise, just not the quality I desire. It definitely seems that it is due to the fact that I am having to write every day, or at least a blog for each day. This amount of writing has had an impact on the topics I choose. I quickly ran out of ideas, and as I look through what I have done, I see some really forced topics. Basically my life is just not interesting enough to write about every day.

Because of this I have contemplated cutting down my blogs, so as to have more interesting topics, but the more I think about it the more I realise that it misses the point. The point was to be able to find words for that which I find dull and boring. Part of the entire project was the desire to learn how to write about anything I can. Not just what I enjoy, or what I hate. But rather anything. Take for example ‘Day 15.’ On this day I wrote about a break at work. I experience this twice a day, everyday I work. It’s not special in anyway. I don’t particularly enjoy them, nor do I dislike them. They just are. Yet I found something to write about. Sure on this particular break I experienced an annoying coworker, yet this too happens quite often. Again, look at ‘Day 3.’ Here I reviewed a bowl of noodles. A bowl. Of noodles. It wasn’t a very interesting post. While I agree with the content, it was not interesting at all. Yet it works. It makes sense, one of the most important aspects of good writing. I personally think that it is well written, it delivers my points well, while adding in a dash of my humour(which I particularly enjoy).

While I do see some blunders among my reviews, I see more successes. I see stories. Stories about things, experiences, life. And in all fairness that’s what I want. I want to be able to turn anything into a story. Just as I compared a walk into the city to a robust fantasy adventure, or how I channeled my enjoyment of The Witness into a story of a first-play experience, I try to always write as a storyteller. Because in my opinion, storytelling is the most interesting form of writing. It is able to express details in an emotional manner, enveloping the reader in a greater sense, involving them more. When a reviews are written like stories, it makes me want the game. I have read reviews for games I wouldn’t even look at normally and felt the urge to buy them, simply because the author involved me. They involved my emotions, my understanding, my empathy. Writing that involves the reader that much is my favourite kind of writing. Which is why I do it.

Eleven more months of this. It feels daunting now, but I can do it. It will be hard once university comes back. It will be difficult to keep up. But even when I fall behind; I will catch up. Hell even this very review is being written late. Written in catch-up.

As I continue on, I do hope that my writing will improve. It is very rewarding hearing people tell me they enjoy it. Actually one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever felt(besides beating Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts). I want to thank everyone that does read these reviews. I know that they aren’t always the most interesting, but it means a lot that people take time out of their days to read my ramblings about anything and everything. The only thing I ask is that I receive more feedback. The feedback I have been getting has been extremely helpful, and when I look back at my first game review, and compare it with my latest; I can see how much my writing has actually improved. Now i’m hoping that it will continue to grow, grow until I am the best writer I can be.

To complete this meta-review, please enjoy a pitch for what sounds to be the most meta film ever:

Will continue to write. Only 335 reviews to go.