I Review Everything: Day 258 -Fibre Install

This is the first time Chorus has actually done well for me. The came, and did the job. Finally. After all this time. We ordered fibre in May. Literal months ago.

After they repeatedly delayed the order, then cancelled it out of nowhere, they finally did it. Not that they should be congratulated for that.

Pretty cool though.


I Review Everything: Day 256 – Dead Vita

I like to play my Vita while on break at work. My issue comes from my inability to think about my Vita when I’m not at work, leaving it to eventually and inevitably die.

I do turn it off, but the hours add up, and I am always left disappointed. Now I have to find something else to do. As long as it involves putting headphones in I’ll be fine. 

I just don’t want anyone talking to me.


I Review Everything: Day 255 – Break Room Table

Unfortunately for the owner of my workplace, employees have the right to breaks. Which means there has to be a break room.

The room isn’t very large, but it manages to fit all our lockers, three tables with seats, and enough space for food preparation.

The tables are always filthy though. We have a cleaning schedule for the room, but day staff don’t ever seem to actually do it. It all gets left to us night staff, which is a common occurrence here.

The table has scraps of various food spread across it, covering streaks of a former bad job of cleaning. The other tables are no better. One is covered in a single newspaper, pulled apart, distraughtly placed with no sense. The other also covered in food scraps.

No one likes it. But no one wants to clean, especially when they aren’t on duty. 

It doesn’t really affect me. I just wanted something to write about.


I Review Everything: Day 254 – Cleaning my Computer

Rearranging my room meant moving my computer, which meant cleaning my computer. I hadn’t in a while, and it showed.

It was full of dust. A ridiculous amount. The computer found more dust just this year than any year before.

It was an arduous task cleaning it out. Especially since I needed to remove my CPU cooler to clean it efficiently. We used an air compressor, where we covered the end of the tube so the air pressure built up, releasing it onto the plane of the computer, removing dust from its vicinity.

Putting the CPU cooler back on was the hardest part. The overall clean took about an hour and a half, but we worked pretty relaxed.

It was worth it. Now my computer runs at better temps.


I Review Everything: Day 253 – Rearranging my Room

My room set up was becoming a hassle. There was a choke point right by the door, making it hard to move around early on in the room. Worst of all there was too little space for a suitable VR space, so it had to change.

Max helped me do it, he actually proposed the initial set-up. We changed it a couple of times over the process, but it was his idea. With two people it was a largely easy process, and we found ways around removing everything from my shelves.

My room is now larger in a sense. I have a heap of space just thrown onto me. It’s endearing in a way. All I can think about is ways to fill it up, which really makes no sense, as its space I needed.

I now have a decent enough space for VR. Not perfect, but it should suffice for playing games with touch.

Ye Yeah.


I Review Everything: Day 252 – Waiting in Overwatch

I hate waiting in games. I really do. Which is part of the reason I’ve never really been into multiplayer games.

Overwatch has taken it’s grip though, and now I’m stuck in eternal loops of waiting.

Waiting for a friend to load the game. Waiting for a match. Playing that match. Waiting for a new game after a new friend joined. Going into a skirmish. Not enough players, waiting for a game again.

I actually think that I may have spent as much time waiting, as I have playing. Which is ridiculous since I just hit 100 hours of play time.

There’s just so much. It’s great being able to talk to my friends, but it all feels like a waste of time. But it comes with it. Unfortunately of course.


I Review Everything: Day 250 – Bagel

I’ve become sick of noodles for breakfast. I still eat them at other times, I just crave something different in the morning.

Today I tried a bagel. I toasted it, then out cream cheese and a slice of ham on.

It was a decent change from before, more from consistency and style of consumption than actual flavour.

It will suffice as a new form of breakfast until I fall back into eating noodles.
